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  V I D E O S :
Painting in Photoshop CS2 III: Whistleblower

Original Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=dplkYiMBtVA

Painting in Photoshop CS2 II: Hair Dryer Girl

Original Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=R6pz8XNNuWw

Painting in Photoshop CS2, Fastforward

Original Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=iY9AlqmsT2c

I recorded my drawing process in Photoshop CS2 here, fastforwarded. The actual process took about half an hour (is that slow? well i am the kind of guy who does things at his own pace, ha). This is my first time making and uploading a custom video, but it took a long, looooong time. Well, most of that time was spent waiting for my video editor to put everything together into a video and for uploading on YouTube.

So, yeah. Tell me what you think (i hope you don't think it's lame, i've already made 2 more of these -_-; ). Visit my YouTube account <www.youtube.com/leafdiaries> for more info and other videos. If I ever upload any videos, you'll find them on my YouTube first. ;)


  Once the first chapter of Leaf Diaries comics (about 50 comics) are finished, they will be available for download here. I will announce it on my homepage when it becomes available.


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